Harassment and bullying policy

Policy overview

We commit to creating a working environment free of behaviour that employees may find unacceptable. We will treat all employees with dignity and respect.

Harassment and bullying can have severe consequences for employees and the council. It can:

  • make people unhappy and anxious
  • affect performance at work
  • affect family and social relationships
  • lead to mental and physical health difficulties
  • contribute to low morale and engagement
  • lead to poor performance and increased staff turnover
  • result in absence and reputational damage

We expect all employees to act as role models for the organisation. We want them to challenge behaviours and actions that may affect people's health and wellbeing.

The policy applies to all staff, including agency workers, temporary workers and contractors. 

We take all complaints or issues about unacceptable behaviour towards our employees seriously.We have a zero tolerance approach and will not hesitate to take action against harassment and bullying behaviour when appropriate. This includes behaviour from other employees, councillors, members of the public or people working with us from other organisations. 


All employees have the right to expect a work environment that is free from:

  • intimidation
  • bullying
  • harassment

We commit to supporting an inclusive environment with mutual respect and understanding.

We may treat any form of intimidating behaviour as a disciplinary matter. This applies in the workplace during working hours and at other work-related activities. For example, training courses, conferences and social functions.

Serious harassment may be a criminal offence under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. It may also be an offence under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

We have a duty to prevent harassment and we support our managers in taking appropriate action to correct inappropriate behaviour. We want their teams free of conduct which could constitute harassment and bullying.

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