Guidance for managers
No exit interview or questionnaire is needed if an employee is:
- dismissed for conduct or capability reasons
- retiring on the grounds of ill health
It is voluntary for employees to complete an exit questionnaire and attend an exit interview is voluntary. We cannot impose this.
Employees may request an exit interview with their line manager or HR adviser to discuss the content of the exit questionnaire in more detail.
Line managers should embrace the request positively and arrange a meeting as soon as possible.
They must use tact, diplomacy and reassurance to encourage employees to participate in this important exercise.
Line managers conducting an exit interview must be flexible and supportive to employees who have a disability and may require assistance.
Reasonable adjustments may include:
- having a representative present
- allowing extra time to complete the form
- providing the form in alternative formats such as large print
HR will keep a record of complete exit questionnaires and interviews. This will be for monitoring and statistical purposes.
They will hold a quarterly review of:
- the number of employees leaving the authority or transferring to different posts within the authority
- the number of exit questionnaires completed
- analysis of reasons for leaving or transferring
- information on any action taken as a result of findings
HR will:
- review the exit questionnaire
- file a copy
- where areas of concern or interest are raised
- contact employee to discuss matters further, if required
- invite employees to attend an exit interview, if required
They will address any issues raised and may take action. This may include:
- speaking with the employee
- speaking with the line manager
- notifying the respective assistant director or head of service, where further investigation is required