Apprenticeship policy

Apprentice recruitment

External recruitment  

Recruitment cannot start until approval for apprenticeship funding is confirmed.  

Care leavers 

We are committed, as the corporate parent, to give priority consideration to Barnardo's care leavers. Priority applies to relevant posts, up to and including G3, identified as a potential apprenticeship. 

We will give prior consideration to care leavers who meet the essential criteria for the role. 

If there are no suitable care leavers, or the post is above a G3, the standard recruitment policy will apply.  

We will advertise the post on the apprenticeship service website. This will be in addition to the usual advertising.  

Employee upskill 

An existing employee may request training which fits with the apprenticeship standards. They can discuss this through the appraisal process or at any other time. We will consider equality of opportunity across employees.  

An employee requesting training must submit an expression of interest. This should include: 

  • their reasons and objectives for undertaking the apprenticeship training 
  • how the training links with their appraisal objectives or, if it doesn't, their reasons for requesting the training 
  • what benefits will the training bring to the team, service area and broader organisation 
  • how they will feed the knowledge into the rest of the organisation 
  • how they will put the learning into practice  

If the manager supports the apprenticeship training, they will work with the talent and early careers team to progress it.