The Lincolnshire early learning and portage support service (ELPSS) is a county wide service, led by INSPIRE connected community trust, (previously known as the Lincolnshire Wolds Federation), St Bernard’s, as the lead provider, in collaboration with Boston Endeavour academy, Grantham additional needs fellowship, Tulip academy and Willoughby specialist school, who provide a portage practitioner in each locality.
Portage in Lincolnshire is an educational support service delivered in the home or in group community-based settings, for children aged 0-5 (up to their 5th birthday) that have a SEND diagnosis or suspected diagnosis, which is impacting on their education development and their parents or carers.
ELPSS offers specialist play experiences and assessments with the aim to improve areas of children’s development following a small step approach, by providing bespoke teaching and learning opportunities to develop skills and build confidence, empowering families and enabling them to feel included in their community.
Portage is a model that adapts flexibly to individual children and family needs.
Experienced portage practitioners model activities and strategies agreed with parents or carers to practice between home visits or group sessions.
ELPSS can provide support for children where there is clear evidence that their current educational needs are not being met in an early years provision.
More information on the ELPSS and the support that we offer.
How to access the service
Referrals can be completed by professionals or parent or carers. All referrals will be triaged by a multi-agency panel which is held fortnightly during the school term, to agree the most appropriate pathway of support to offer based on the needs of the child and family.
Families will be offered one of the three core pathways of support based on the identified need.
- portage stepping stones group – providing portage support within a focussed group in a children's centre, family hub or other community venue
- portage plus (supporting early years transitions) offering time limited support within a community venue, or home visits
- core portage – individual home visits
Complete the referral form and return to the ELPSS coordinator