Wellingore DMMO 118 - Register of DMMO applications


Claimed byways - a) North Hill Foot Lane and b) North Hill Lane

DMMO number
DMMO 118
Intended effect of the application
Byway open to all traffic
Grid references for start and end of claimed route
a) SK 976 570 to SK 976 565, b) SK 979 566 to 976 566
Principal cities,towns,villages near claimed route
Grantham, Lincoln
North Kesteven
Applicant's name
Wellingore Parish Council
Applicant's address
C/o 6 The Link, Wellingore, Lincoln LN5 0BJ
Date of application
16 August 1990
Council officer
Senior Definitive Map Officer
Application number
Council telephone number
01522 782070
Council email
Date of council's decision
23 June 2006
Outcome and reasons for the decision
North Hill Lane and North Hill Foot Lane should be recorded as BOATs. Documentary and user evidence supports this decision.
Details of appeal to the Secretary of State
A number of objections to the Order were submitted. The Order has been submitted to the Secretary of State for determination. The public inquiry due to be held on 12 May 2010 has been cancelled. The order was dealt with through the written representations procedure.
Date modification order made
17 January 2007
Confirmation,non confirmation (with,without mods)
The Order was confirmed on 23 March 2011 with modifications. Both paths were modified to be recorded as restricted byways.