Westville Road, Frithville and Westville, Lincolnshire - Inspection reports - Find a freedom of information request


Westville Road

1. Inspection and Maintenance Records of the referenced road for the 12 months prior to the date of this incident (Westville Road);

2. Any Inspection and Maintenance Records of the referenced Pothole (2821517)

3. For identified highway defects, such as potholes, what are your intervention criteria?

4. How do you categorise highway defects, such as potholes, and how are those categories defined?

5. For the different highway defects categories identified, how quickly do you aim to repair them/what is the repair schedule once they have been entered into the system?


1. Please see Site History Report (SHR) attached.

2. Please see Site History Report (SHR) attached.

3. Please see attached Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan.

4. Please see attached Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan.

5. Please see attached Highways Infrastructure Asset Management Plan.

Should you require the attachments mentioned above please contact customerinformationservice@lincolnshire.gov.uk with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
Date request received
9 January 2025
Date of decision
13 February 2025