s437(1) notices - Find a freedom of information request


1. How many s437(1) notices have you issued between 01/11/2023 and 01/11/2024?

2. How many children did these s437(1) notices relate to?

3. What % of the above s437(1) notices where issued due to:

a) no information received

b) information on education provision received but not in the LA preferred format

c) a third-party report of concerns about the child's education

d) Parent declined meeting with LA staff e)Parent declined to show work

4. Of the S437(1) notices issued between 01/11/2023 to 01/11/24 how many where escalated to a SAO

5. Of those escalated to an SAO how many requests to revoke the SAO were received by the LA

6. Of the request to revoke what % were revoked and what % where refused

7. When refusing the request to revoke SAO did you also inform the Parent of their right to request a direction from the SoS to revoke the SAO

8. Please can you provide a copy of your LA (personal subject data) sharing protocols with DFE concerning a parent requesting SoS to revoke an SAO


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. 286

2. 286

3. a) 100%

b,c,d) 0%

4. 15

5. 0

6. N/a

7. N/a

8. We do not have a sharing protocol that relates specifically to SoS to revoke an SAO (School attendance order).

Reference number
FOI 11177017
Date request received
Date of decision