Learning and Development Contact and Apprenticeship Programme - Find a freedom of information request


Learning and Development Contact and Apprenticeship Programme Enquiry:

1) Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request the contact information for your Learning and Development department or the appropriate person overseeing staff training and development.

2) Additionally, I am interested in any information on programmes or initiatives related to sustainability training and development.

We are exploring partnerships to offer a sustainability apprenticeship programme and would appreciate information on any relevant training initiatives already in place


1. The contact information for Lincolnshire County Council’s corporate Talent and Learning Team is LearnandDevelopment@lincolnshire.gov.uk. The contact person is Silvia Hanley, silvia.hanley@lincolnshire.gov.uk.

2. Corporately, the Talent and Learning Team currently does not provide sustainability training and development.

Reference number
Date request received
8 November 2024
Date of decision
4 December 2024