Trauma informed policy - Find a freedom of information request


The Purpose of the Request I seek the information detailed below in order to better understand the extent to which your authority has developed a 'trauma-informed' policy, strategy, guidance or equivalent document(s) that describes how your authority and its employees should best interact with individuals who have experienced psychological trauma.

Please answer the following questions specified in (1)-(2) below concerning your (possible) involvement in the elaboration (and implementation) of a 'trauma-informed' strategy or equivalent within your Authority's area. (1) Has your Authority taken any action:

1. to develop and/ or adopt a 'trauma-informed' policy, strategy guidance or equivalent (as outlined above)? If so, please provide a copy (in printed or electronic form) of the relevant document(s); and

2. implement such a policy, strategy, guidance, or equivalent? If so, please provide a brief summary of actions of this kind: examples of implementation work could include the development of a staff training programme; the development of a specific website and/ or the appointment of staff to support such an implementation programme.

(2) Has your Authority involved/ consulted with families of disabled children in the development and/ or adoption of such a policy, strategy, guidance or equivalent? If it has, please provide details of how such families were consulted and when the consultation took place.



1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) currently do not have a strategy or policy but Children’s Services and the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP) has established the Complex Needs Working Group which is looking to establish a comprehensive trauma training package for the Children’s workforce across Lincolnshire. Children’s Services and LSCP training has been reviewed and trauma awareness features across many of the courses.

LSCP is due to launch the trauma eLearning this month and work on developing a face to face course has already commenced. LCC want this to be all age to support practitioners working with children as well as with parents and adults.

2. Not applicable.

(2) Not at this point.

Reference number
Date request received
24 October 2024
Date of decision
21 November 2024