Highways delivery - Find a freedom of information request


Regarding highways delivery.

1. Do you use contractors or self-deliver highways maintenance for your local authority?

2. If a contractor is used for a PFI contract, when did this contract commence and when does it end?

3. Have you considered using innovated materials to fix road defects?

4. Which highways maintenance contractors and sub contractors do you (or your wider main contractor) use and what activity are they responsible for?

5. What plant machinery is used in your highways maintenance, both yours and your contractors / rental partners?

6. What measurement criteria is used to assess the contractor's performance? How have they performed over a 12 month period?

7. What is the spending and workforce associated to each of the following - planned highways maintenance, reactive highways maintenance, capital schemes?

8. Who is the individual(s) that assess the assets and machinery used in your highway maintenance?

9. Do you provide your own PPE?

10. What measurement do you use to identify the longevity of the highways maintenance fix?

11. What innovation have you trailed for highway maintenance?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Contractors

2. N/a

3. We have an ongoing innovation group exploring the latest materials available, and are part of regional asset management groups which share best practice and innovations.

4. Below is a list of contractors with a spend of over £500k over the first 4 months of this financial year

Contractor Name


Kiely Bros Ltd 

Surface Treatments, Lining

Toppesfield Ltd 

Surface Treatments 

Minster Surfacing Ltd 

Surface Treatments

RSM Maintenance Ltd 

Grass Cutting, Weed Treatment, various gangs

CF Construction (Collingham) Ltd 

Gangs providing various works, surface treatment

Highway Traffic Management Ltd 

Traffic Management

Colas Ltd 

Recycling operations

F M Conway Ltd 


Nu-Phalt Contracting Ltd 

Surface Treatments

Chevron Traffic Management Ltd 

Traffic Management


Surface Treatments

Maplebeck Tree Care Ltd 

Arboricultural works

Everton Construction Services Ltd 

Surface Treatments

Stabilised Pavements Ltd 

Surface Treatments

Amberon Ltd 

Traffic Management

Ajet Drain Services Ltd 



5. We don’t hold a full list of plant and machinery which is used on the contract as this changes on a daily basis and would be impossible to maintain. 

6. We have various contractual performance measures. These are reported to our Highways and Transport Scrutiny Committee, the papers of which are already available publicly.

7. This information is not recorded

8. There is no specific person, please call 01522 782070 for any queries.

9. We provide PPE for Lincolnshire County Council employees but not for our contractual partners

10. Different highways maintenance techniques have different guarantee periods and Lincs Laboratory carry out testing on sample sites to identify compliance with specifications

11. Various innovations such as in-situ recycling with different cementitious mixes, roadmender, pothole pro, velocity patching, RAP, different SMA thin surfacing’s, micro-surfacing and rejuvenation products, retexturing, MMA lining

Reference number
FOI 10370977
Date request received
Date of decision