Software Reseller - Contracts Finder - Find a freedom of information request


We are currently looking at opportunities to improve our software and associated services reseller contract and noticed your tender which appeared to cover similar scope to our requirement.
Tender notice link

Software Reseller - Contracts Finder

We would be grateful if you could share a copy of the following documents please.

1. The Invitation to tender

2. The contract terms

3. The Scope of Services or Specification

4. The evaluation model and evaluation questions used

5. The pricing schedule used 

a) Can you provide an overview of the bidders and their relative evaluation scores please?

b) Was there any specific unexpected issues during the procurement process or any lessons learnt which will help us with our tender?

c) If we wanted to contact the contract manager or senior stakeholder on the project to discuss their experiences is this possible, if so please can you provide a contact name. 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1-5. See attached files

a) There were two bidders:- Phoenix Software Ltd (successful)

Bytes Software Services (unsuccessful)

b) None recorded

c) This information is published on the Council’s contract register at

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 10646877
Date request received
Date of decision