- Request
1) Exactly what the classification of the section of Green Lane between Rimarc and South Lodge is? Is it a B.O.A.T. or a U.U.R.?
2) Please tell me what specific evidence you have that it can be legally used by motor vehicles.
3) Please confirm that you have consulted the OS map and that it clearly does NOT mark that section (from Rimarc to South Lodge) as having Public access.
4) Please confirm that you acknowledge that the OS map specifically does NOT mark Green Lane as a B.O.A.T.
5) Please tell me what risk assessments or Health and Safety assessments you have carried out before opening this woodland walk up for motor vehicles concerning the avoidance of danger to persons using the path or for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising there from. Specifically, what consideration was given to the narrow parts of the section between Rimarc and
South Lodge where there are blind bends and nowhere for walkers to get out of the way of oncoming vehicles.
6) Please tell me what considerations you have made
7) Please send me copies of any submissions made by Lincolnshire County Council or Highways dept to the current DEFRA consultations on what 'green lanes' are or are not suitable for MPV use.
8) Please tell me what consultations you have had with the National Trust whose Belton estate is a near neighbour of this woodland walk and whose Estate can be seen and can see Green Lane.
- Decision
I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.
1. It is an unclassified road being a highway maintainable at public expense., it is not a boat it is an unclassified unsurfaced highway.
2. As there are no traffic regulation orders restricting its use as a highway it is open to all classes of highway user, eg, vehicles, horse riders, cyclists and pedestrians.
3. Green Lane is not a BOAT so will not be marked as a public right of way. A plan showing the extent of the highway is below.
4. No risk assessments were completed other than those necessary to complete the works, we were carrying out our duty to maintain the highway, there are many sections of highway where pedestrians, drivers etc have to take appropriate care.
5. We considered complaints that prior to the works the highway was unusable even for pedestrians.
6. We will have to respond to this question under separate cover, the conclusion of the consultation appears to be summarised as “many people feel strongly about protecting green lanes, but it did not identify clear support for removing vehicular rights. Therefore, we will not proceed with this proposal. We believe that the current Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) process is legally robust enough to protect green lanes with carefully targeted local action to protect sensitive areas, while allowing vehicle users to responsibly enjoy the countryside.”
7. No consultations were completed with the National Trust, none were required in respect of this work to maintain the highway.
- Reference number
- FOI 10339765
- Date request received
- 20/08/24
- Date of decision
- 18/09/24