- Request
I would like to request the following information regarding complex home care packages for adults aged 18+, except for questions 1, 2, 4 and 7 where information is required for both adults aged 18+ and children aged 0-18 years old. For clarity, adults and children receiving complex care have substantial and ongoing healthcare needs, which require additional support to manage their symptoms.
These can be the result of chronic illness, disabilities or following hospital treatment. Home care refers to packages of care delivered in the individuals' own homes (not in care homes or residential facilities).
Please provide data for the following financial years: 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24 (projected) except questions 5 and 6 which require a current snapshot (instead of projections for 2023/24), and question 7 which only requires data for 2022/23.
If any data for 2022/23 is not available, please provide budgeted figures for the year or the latest snapshot data that is available.
1. Please could you supply the name, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for packages of complex home care for (a) adults aged 18+ and (b) children aged 0-18 years old.
2. Please provide the number of people in receipt of complex home care packages (all active packages during the year including those which started prior) for (a) adults aged 18+ and (b) children aged 0-18 years old.
3. Please provide the total number of complex home care hours delivered for adults aged 18+.
4. Please provide the total gross expenditure on complex home care packages during the year for (a) adults aged 18+ and (b) children aged 0-18 years old.
5. Please provide the lowest, mean and highest hourly rate for complex home care packages for adults aged 18+ for 2019/20 to 2022/23 as well as a current snapshot.
6. Please provide the lowest, mean and highest weekly fee for complex home care packages for adults aged 18+ for 2019/20 to 2022/23 as well as a current snapshot.
7. Please provide a list of the 10 providers who received the greatest amount of funding for complex home care packages.
Please provide data for the last financial year 2022/23 for (a) adults aged 18+ and (b) children aged 0-18 years old.
i. For each provider, please provide the number of complex home care packages in 2022/23 (all active packages during the year including those which started prior)
ii. For each provider, please provide total expenditure in 2022/23 related to complex home care.
- Decision
I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.
1. a) N/a
b) Kate Maltby Kate.maltby@lincolnshire.gov.uk
2. a) N/a
No. active care packages
23/24 projected
NB. Not all complex cases are delivered via commissioned providers and some will be delivered via Direct Payments. Information on Direct Payments is not recorded systematically to be able to identify readily where such cases form part of the Direct Payments package
*This only applies to care packages delivered via a block contract commissioned in 2018. An Open Select List for the commissioning of spot purchase domiciliary care packages, allowing for the systematic recording of such placements, only began in September 2022.
5. N/a
6. N/a
7. a) *
No. of active care packages
Total expenditure 22/23
*Please note that the information for adults aged 18+ is not routinely collected or recorded centrally in the detail requested
- Reference number
- FOI 9162638
- Date request received
- 19/03/24
- Date of decision
- 09/04/24