Kings court care home, Church Street, Grantham - Find a freedom of information request


1. How much is the owners of  Kings court care home Church Street Grantham getting paid from Lincolnshire County Council for the residences in there care home?

a) and how many carers are they providing?

b) and what contingency plan should they have in place when short staffed?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. The Council publish details of all paid invoices over £500 on a quarterly basis. This information is available publicly at

a) The number of staff is not stipulated by Lincolnshire County Council. The Residential Framework Agreement, which is publicly available at States:

61.1 The Provider shall clearly demonstrate how it ensures adequate and appropriate staffing levels to meet the assessed dependency and other needs of the Residents.

61.2 As far as is reasonably practicable, the Provider shall ensure the Home's staffing establishment in terms of Staff to Resident ratio and skill mix reflect dependency levels of Residents in the Home, not simply occupancy levels. Staffing rotas will provide appropriate cover at all times to ensure that Resident needs are met in a timely and person-centred way.

b) A Business Continuity Plan

Reference number
FOI 10045033
Date request received
Date of decision