- Request
In respect to behaviourally intensive support services for children and young people within your organisation/within the area that your organisation is responsible for.
Behaviourally intensive support services can support CYP with high acuity needs presenting the most challenging behaviours to avoid hospitalisation, provide support to their families/carers and provide the individual with greater quality of life.
The details we require are:
1) Are there behaviourally intensive support services for children and young people (CYP) (e.g. for learning disabilities, autism, etc.) available within your organisation/within the area that your organisation is responsible for? (this could be a standalone service or as part of a wider service)
If yes, please see Section A, if not, then please see Section B.
Section A:
If your organisation / area of responsibility does offer a behaviourally intensive support services for CYP (e.g. for learning disabilities, autism, etc.):
1) Who delivers this service? (in-house teams, not-for-profit provider, independent / private provider)
2) Is this service stand-alone or is it part of / a sub-team of another service?
a) (If so, what other services are included?)
b) How long has this service been in place?
3) Is the service a temporary or short-term service/project with a fixed end date?
4) How is the service funded and from which budgets? (if funded by the Local authority or NHS ICB- then what is the relevant budget category that funds this service?)
a) Is the amount / source of funding expected to change in future?
5) What has been the annual spend on the service year-on-year (for as many years as available)?
6) Under this contract, how many children and young people are currently receiving these services?
7) What are the referral criteria for individuals to access this service?
8) If the service is being delivered by an external provider
a) How was the contract commissioned? Please confirm if it was direct award or via a formal procurement process / tender
b) Who is the supplier of the current service, and please name any unsuccessful suppliers who bid to provide the service
c) Who are the key stakeholders within your organisation responsible for commissioning this service?
d) What are the contractual performance KPIs for this service? Have they been achieved?
9) If done via in-house teams: do any of the staff in the service have any specialist training and qualifications (e.g. certifications such as University or other training provider awards/credits) in challenging behaviours beyond their professional training?
a) What is the size of this in-house team?
10) Do you intend to commission a behaviourally intensive community services in the next 12-24 months? If so, when will this be procured? (if you are not the commissioner of these services, do you have visibility on this?)
Section B:
If your organisation / area of responsibility does not offer a behaviourally intensive support services for CYP (e.g. for learning disabilities, autism, etc.):
1) Please give a description of the mental health and behavioural services available to children and young people (CYP) that your organisation commissions and / or provides.
2) How many children and young people (CYP) are currently receiving treatment from these CYP mental health services? (If a current figure cannot be given, please provide an annual volume figure or similar metric)
a. What has been the annual spend on these services year-on-year (for as many years available, split into each individual service)?
3) For each service, how is the service funded and from which budgets? (if funded by the Local authority or NHS ICB - then what is the relevant budget category that funds this service?)
a. Is the level of funding or funding source expected to change in future?
4) What services are available for CYP with learning disabilities and autism?
a. What has been the annual spend on these services for CYP with learning disabilities and autism year-on-year (for as many years available, split into each individual service)?
b. Who is responsible for providing each of these services? (CAMHS, private providers etc.) - Decision
Section A
From Inclusion perspective, although we have BOSS and Working Together Team, these services are not at the level of ‘high acuity needs presenting the most challenging behaviours to avoid hospitalisation’ and so wouldn’t be appropriate to be included in this FOI
Section B
Please find attached response
Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact customerinformationservice@lincolnshire.gov.uk with the below reference number and this can be provided.
- Reference number
- FOI 10018173
- Date request received
- 05/07/24
- Date of decision
- 31/07/24