Stream Bionenergy at Anwick - Find a freedom of information request


As you will be fully aware, Stream Bionenergy hosted a flawed consultation process in Anwick regarding a biogas plant. As a direct result of their presence in Anwick, myself and another resident created Anwick Action Group to assist the elderly with their objections.

I studied at length the issues to our community. It was apparent that this would have been a site specific build, as standard planning is for a maximum of 100,000 tonnes. Therefore, Anwick would be a site specific build.

1. Was this raised in your meeting?

2. If so, did you indicate this would not be an issue for the 200,000 tonnes of imported chicken litter from outside the county?

3. In addition, please advise me if you told Stream Bionenergy about the restricted flight path over Anwick? If so, why did the consultation go ahead? If not, is this not a failure on behalf of LCC, given we are "Bomber County".

4. As I have written to all the Councils throughout the UK under the FOI and I now know, only LCC & NKDC were approached in the UK. I have also submitted a further FOI to LCC to establish the 44 sites that Stream Bionenergy were looking at in Lincolnshire. What ones were discussed in your meeting(s)?

I would be keen to read the minutes of the meeting and if you could name all of the council officials involved.


1a-d. Please see below.

Lincolnshire County Council are not sure what the 100,000 tonnes limit for planning you refer to is, so LCC are unable to comment.

Only informal pre-application discussions have been entered into and no formal minutes of meetings were produced.

LCC are currently at pre-application stage and what the developer does as part of their pre - application engagement with the community is a matter for them and LCC are not involved with this at this stage.

LCC have not received a planning application setting out the specific detail of any proposal. Once an application is received it will undergo full public consultation and the views of residents will be taken into account in the decision-making process.

Reference number
FOI 9973561
Date request received
Date of decision