Parental neurodiversity - Find a freedom of information request


1. Is a parent's Neurodiverse condition (diagnosed or suspected) able to be recorded as a unique Service User Group and/or category of Disability on your Children's recording system?

2. In 2023-2024, what was the percentage of total CP Plans with parental neurodiversity (diagnosed or suspected) a contributing factor to threshold being met for significant harm

3. Does your Local Authority provide those working directly with parents within Children's Services, training on working with neurodiverse parents?


1. LCC do have a method of recording parental disability on SUG's Neuro divergent conditions can also be recorded on the parents record which will be linked to the child/YP's record under disabilities

2. LCC do not record conferences in this way, we would not consider a parent's neuro-diversity to be judged a contributing factor to the CP threshold. We would, however, want to see this acknowledged by professionals so that any specific needs or ways of working are addressed in how we shape the planning for the child.

It is our intention to ensure parents are always supported to contribute to developing a plan with which they feel able to engage.

3. Children's Services L+D team provide training on Autism and ADHD but these are more focused on supporting children and young people rather than working with neurodiversity parents.

Reference number
FOI 9898013
Date request received
Date of decision