The process of registration for free school meals (FSM) - Find a freedom of information request


he aim of the research is to understand more about the process of registration for free school meals (FSM) and how this may differ across groups, areas and over time.

This is important because currently FSM is used extensively in policy and research to identify disadvantaged pupils. Pupils' known FSM eligibility is used to decide how to allocate resources, track progress over time in addressing the attainment gap, and evaluate government policy.

We would greatly appreciate if you could complete this short survey. Your response will help us to understand how FSM eligibility checking processes vary across different LAs.

Select answers by marking 'X' in corresponding box. For open questions type text below question.


1. In which region is your LA?

East of England

East Midlands

North East

North West

South East

South West

West Midlands

Yorkshire and the Humber

Inner London

Outer London

1. What is the proportion of pupils who receive Pupil Premium in your local authority?

between 0% and 10%

between 10% and 20%

between 20% and 30%

between 30% and 40%

between 40% and 50%

more than 50%

Current process

2. What is your current process for checking the FSM eligibility of pupils in your LA?

Automatic enrolment (e.g. an opt-out system using data matching)

All parents/carers asked to apply irrespective of whether they are expected to be eligible

Only parents/carers who are likely to be eligible invited to apply

Other (please briefly describe)

3. How is information for checking FSM eligibility collected from parents/carers?

Online application

Paper form

Mostly online application but with minority of paper forms

Mostly paper forms but with minority of online applications

Other (please briefly describe)

4. Do you run 'bulk' re-checks for FSM eligibility for the schools in your LA? By this we mean re-checking multiple pupils' FSM eligibility at the same time?

Yes for all schools

Yes for majority of schools

Yes for less than half of the schools

No - not for any schools

5. IF ANSWERED YES TO Q4, which groups do you re-check FSM eligibility for?

Pupils previously found to be not eligible

Pupils previously found to be eligible

Both pupils previously found to be not eligible and found to be eligible (i.e. everyone who has applied before regardless of previous outcome)

6. IF ANSWERED YES TO Q4, how often do you re-check FSM eligibility?





Other (please briefly describe)

7. IF ANSWERED YES TO Q4: Please provide brief details on the reasons for checking at this interval

8. IF ANSWERED 'NO' TO Q4: Please provide brief details on the reasons for not running bulk re-checks

9. How is responsibility for the FSM application process, including raising awareness of the application process for parents/carers, split between individual schools and the local authority?

Schools are mainly responsible

Both schools and the local authority are equally responsible

The local authority is mainly responsible

Current process in the pre-school years

10. Do you have standalone LA maintained nurseries in your area?



11. IF ANSWERED YES TO Q10, What is the process for FSM applications in your standalone LA maintained nurseries?

Automatic enrolment (e.g. an opt-out system using data matching)

All parents/carers asked to apply irrespective of whether they are expected to be eligible

Parents/carers who are likely to be eligible invited to apply

Other (please briefly describe)

12. IF ANSWERED YES TO Q10, Is the FSM application process the same as the Early Years Pupil Premium application process in your standalone LA maintained nurseries?



Other - please briefly describe

13. Do you have any nurseries that are part of primary schools in your area?




14. IF ANSWERED YES TO Q13, What is the process for FSM applications in your school-based nurseries?

Automatic enrolment (e.g. an opt-out system using data matching)

All parents/carers asked to apply irrespective of whether they are expected to be eligible

Parents/carers who are likely to be eligible invited to apply

Other (please briefly describe)

15. IF ANSWERED YES TO Q13, Is the FSM application process the same as the Early Years Pupil Premium application process in your school-based nurseries?



Other - please briefly describe

Groups less likely to apply for FSM

16. What is your estimate of the proportion of FSM entitled families who apply for FSM in your LA? (e.g. this would be 80% if you estimate that 80% of entitled families do apply, while 20% do not)

17. Are there particular groups of parents/carers who you suspect are not applying despite likely meeting the eligibility criteria? [select all that apply]

Parents/carers with English as and additional language

Parents/carers from Indian, Pakistani or Bangladeshi backgrounds

Parents/carers from Black ethnic groups

Parents/carers from particular religious or cultural backgrounds (specify in comments box)

None I can think of

Other (please specify)

18. What do you perceive to be the likely barriers to applying for FSM for these groups? [select all that apply]

Lack of awareness of FSM availability

Lack of awareness of meeting the eligibility criteria

Lack of awareness of how to apply


Don't want their child to have FSM

Don't need their child to have FSM

Not sure

Other (please specify)

19. What strategies do you use to try and encourage these groups to apply for FSM?

20. Some local authorities provide universal FSM in their primary schools. Do you currently provide universal FSM in primary schools?



21. IF ANSWERTED YES TO Q20, when did universal FSM begin in your primary schools?

22. Do you have any other comments on the processes of families applying for FSM for their children in your LA?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

Please find attached completed survey

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 9899413
Date request received
Date of decision