- Request
1) Please provide a list of health and care services that are funded and operated by the local authority ("In House" services). This should include, but not be limited to, reablement, supported living, rapid response, domiciliary care, intermediate care and extra care etc. that are being operated by the council. If any of these services are delivered using an Arms-Length organization, NHS Trust or commissioned to third-party companies please confirm details.
2) For services identified in question 1, please can you share:
- Does the service use an electronic workforce management system including, rotas, recording contact time, electronic medication management etc?
- If they do use a system, please confirm what system is used, how much it costs annually and when is the contract end date?
- Where a system is used, please can you also confirm if there are any existing plans to replace this? Is there a planned procurement exercise or market test?
- Please can you share the head of service/lead contact for any services identified in question 1? Who is responsible for the IT system/management of the service?
3) Regarding commissioned care services (IE care delivered by a third party provider), does the council ask providers to use an ECM (Electronic Call Monitoring) tool? Is this one system for all providers, or a mixture of different systems please?
4) How does the council collect data (For payment, KPI management or otherwise) from providers of commissioned care services?
5) How does the council currently pay for care services? Are providers paid based on what they actually deliver, commissioned data, block payments etc? What happens if a provider delivers more or less care than the council have commissioned?
6) Is an electronic portal used for providers to submit data/information on delivery of care services?
7) Please confirm contact details for:
- The responsible officer of commissioned care
- The person(s) responsible for management of care providers
- The head/lead of the finance team processing invoices for your care providers
- Decision
1. The majority of the Health and Social Care services within Lincolnshire are delivered through commissioned providers. All contracted providers are published on the Contracts Register. Details of current contracts is publicly available on the Contracts Register, which can be accessed at https://procontract.due-north.com/Login. You will need to register to access the site, but this is free to complete.
The exception to this is Day Care Opportunities, which is delivered through a mix of in house and commissioned providers.
2. With regards to Day Care: Mosaic for recording individual social care case management information, all other information such as medication management is paper based; The social care case management system is called Mosaic.
All contracted providers are published on the Contracts Register. Details of current contracts is publicly available on the Contracts Register, which can be accessed at https://procontract.due-north.com/Login. You will need to register to access the site, but this is free to complete; there is no current planned procurement or market test.
3. It is the responsibility of the commissioned Provider to ensure that any and all tools are fit for purpose and suitable for the requirement. The Council do not specify which systems must be in place if and when required. Therefore, it could be a mixture of different systems, the Council has no direct involvement in the system development.
4. The Council will collect data in various different ways through the contract management team. This could be through self-reporting, online tools, contract management visits, customer feedback, etc. as required by the individual contract.
5. Each contract has a specific set of terms for payment. These terms will specify how the provider will be paid. The Council use activity payments, block payments, or any other payment method which delivers value for money for the specific service. If the provider delivers more or less care than the Council has commissioned, then what happens will be stated in the terms of the contract.
6. The County Council does not have a generic electronic data portal for the submission of data. The contractual requirements of the service will determine the data submission requirements.
7. There are no individual responsible officers for these areas as a whole, as commissioned care is undertaken across a number of Council directorates.
Invoices are processed electronically via the Council’s invoicing team who can be contacted at Invoices@lincolnshire.gov.uk.
- Reference number
- 9878823
- Date request received
- 19 June 2024
- Date of decision
- 5 July 2024