Non-maintenance capital programme approved schemes - Find a freedom of information request


I refer to non maintenance capital programme approved schemes

1. What was the last three years budget for transport related schemes, broken down by year?

2. What contractors/software (including speed, O/D surveys, traffic count, vehicle type) are/ is used to analyse the road network before a potential scheme is added to the programme?

2.1. What is the annual cost for these, listed individually?

3. How many scheme were completed in the last three annual programmes, broken down by year?

4. Please could you confirm the number of staff within the team?

5. Please could you confirm the cumulative annual wage for the team?


1. Budget is not allocated on an annual basis it is based upon the needs of the specific scheme being developed.


2. Major project capital investment is not based upon analysis of the road network, it is normally based upon traffic movement over and around the network.  The key information used is the Saturn Traffic Model which exists for the eight urban areas of Lincolnshire.


2.1. There is no annual cost for the traffic models, it is instead a commissioning fee for developing the models which will then exist for natural life before being updated/created again.


3. It is difficult to define ‘complete’ as there are maintenance periods, defect periods and vegetation maintenance periods, however the following is a true record of major highway capital improvements.


  • 2021/2022 – seven projects


  • 2022/2023 – two projects


  • 2023/2024 – five projects


4. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) do not hold this information as the projects are delivered with virtual teams pulling in people from different services and also from external providers.


5. As per response to question 4, which this question relates to, LCC do not hold this information.

Reference number
Date request received
18 June 2024
Date of decision
3 July 2024