Pest control services and call outs - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to request the following as a Freedom of Information Request:

1. Does your local authority/council offer a pest control service?

2. If the answer to 1. is yes, how many call-outs did it deal with in each of the last three calendar years for each of the following:

- Ants

- Bed bugs

- Cockroaches

- Rats

- Mice


1. Lincolnshire County Council only carry-out pest control services within its corporately owned properties - not to the public or other businesses/organisations.


• Ants - 54

• Bed bugs - 0

• Cockroaches - 0

• Rats - 16

• Mice - 19

Reference number
Date request received
30 May 2024
Date of decision
26 June 2024