Blue Badge Service Provision - Find a freedom of information request


Blue Badge Service Provision

1. Does the council rely on externally commissioned services or employ in-house assessors for blue badge Independent Mobility Assessments?

2. If you use an externally commissioned service, could you provide the name of this service provider?

3. If the council internally employs in-house assessors, please specify the number of clinically trained assessors and administrative staff who work on blue badge applications.

4. Do you collaborate with local GP services or NHS trusts to conduct blue badge assessments?

5. How many of your applications are received through the .gov blue badge digital portal?

6. How many applications are received direct to the council outside of the .gov blue badge digital portal process?

7. Do members of the blue badge administration team fill out an application on either the .gov blue badge digital portal, or an internal form on behalf of an applicant that feels they are unable to do it themselves?

8. Do you use an internal digital case management system for blue badge applications? If so, what is the name of this system.

9. What is your current cost per assessment? (i.e. triage, telephone assessment & Independent Mobility Assessment)


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Externally commissioned services.

2. Access Independent.

3. Information Not Held.

4. No.

5. For the period 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024, a total of 18,804 applications were received through the portal.

6. For the period 01/04/2023 to 31/03/2024 a total of 2,841 were received direct to the council outside the portal

7. Yes.

8. Yes, NEC Software Solutions.

9. We have contacted our provider who has explained that this information is commercially sensitive and likely to prejudice their commercial activity if disclosed.


Reference number
FOI 9556557
Date request received
Date of decision