Children leaving care services demand for supported living and mental health services - Find a freedom of information request


I am making the following Freedom of Information request about Children leaving care services in your council.


1. Is there a current demand for Children leaving care (16+) supported living services?


2. Is there a current demand for Children leaving care (16+) with mental health services?


3. What is the upper and lower weekly cost for Children leaving care (16+) supported living services?


4. Please advise what name, email address, and telephone number is for the individual/s responsible for Children leaving care Placement and Procurement.


5. What is the process of commissioning children leaving care (16+) supported living schemes?


1. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) support a number of young people, including care leavers and 16-17 year olds at risk of homelessness, in a range of in-house and commissioned independent supported accommodation.


2. LCC’s mental health services support a number of care leavers with mental health issues, both through NHS delivery and commissioned services.


3. LCC’s costs for independent supported accommodation placements range from £355 per week to £4,545 per week.


4. Amy Allcock, Commissioning Team Manager, Children's Strategic Commissioning, Children's Services;


5. When young people are identified as requiring a supported accommodation placement by their social worker or leaving care worker, approval is sought from the Head of Service for Leaving Care and Supported Living. In-house options are explored, along with capacity and suitability within LCC’s commissioned Youth Housing Service. In the event LCC need to look for an independent supported accommodation placement, a referral form is completed and the Placements Team circulate to Ofsted-registered supported accommodation providers, initially on our Open Select List, and then to the wider market. Responses are assessed by the social worker to ensure the placement meets the needs of the young person and once agreed, a contract is put in place.

Reference number
Date request received
30 May 2024
Date of decision
20 June 2024