Wholetime Day-Crewed within Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue - Find a freedom of information request


If you could answer the following questions below, I would be very grateful.

1. Do you operate a Wholetime Day-Crewed system within your Service/County? If yes, please refer to the question set below.

2. Do WT DC personnel receive either free or subsidised accommodation from the Service within the defined turnout area? If subsidised, please provide detail on how this subsidy is calculated including figures.

3. Do WT DC personnel not residing in Service housing receive a rent/mortgage allowance? If yes, how is this calculated? Please include figures.

4. Do WT DC personnel receive a DC nighttime allowance for responding to incidents when called upon outside of positive hours worked on station? If yes, how is this calculated? Does the NT allowance include payment for turnouts and attendances?

5. Do you pay any other allowances that are specific to WT DC personnel?

6. Can you confirm if all benefits/allowances are available to all WT DC personnel? If not, please provide detail.


1. Yes.

2. Yes, there is free accommodation if undertaking duty outside of positive hours.

3. No.

4. Please see below.


5% including turnout and attendance payments.

Lincolnshire Crewing


5. USAR - 5%

6. This is available to all, as it can be opted into.

Reference number
Date request received
30 May 2024
Date of decision
18 June 2024