Reference KF/3095 / Proposed Puffin Crossing - Spalding Road - Find a freedom of information request


Reference KF/3095 / Proposed Puffin Crossing - Spalding Road

Documents required:

1. Technical Briefing document and Road Safety Audit,

2. Copies of any data regarding road traffic incidents in this vicinity from your records, or guidance

on accessing this information, along with maintenance logs or evaluations of the current road safety measures implemented on this segment of the highway.


Feasibility Study

A Feasibility Study for the installation of a pedestrian crossing at the location was completed in October 2023. It concluded: 7.1.1 This location is suitable for signalised crossing point and has been identified as a natural desire line for pedestrians to cross, particularly students commuting to school from the centre of Holbeach or from the North of the town. 7.1.2 The proposed crossing point has been positioned in order to reduce the degree of parking that will be lost as a result of the crossing. However, due to the zig-zag markings that must proceed from the crossing point (alongside 3m for the stop line), parking spaces will be lost around the Red Lion Pub and outside house numbers 2 and 4 to the East of the pub.

Road Safety Audit

LCC is awaiting the results of the Road Safety Audit on the final design, this is expected by late June 2024.


A pedestrian crossing survey took place at the location in June 2023. Data on the numbers of pedestrians crossing the road, traffic flows and several other factors are applied to the PV²ASCW calculation and this resulted in a score of 0.82.

Table 1 shown attached, extracted from the Pedestrian Crossing Policy, indicates that this meets the threshold required for a Zebra crossing facility.

Funding for a crossing facility at Spalding Road has been identified through the Community Crossings Initiative. As highway authority the County Council is required to publicly advertise the introduction of formal crossing facilities in advance of any works and this took place in April.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.



Reference number
FOI 9737825
Date request received
Date of decision