Knives or similar offensive weapons that have been seized in schools - Find a freedom of information request


Can you provide answers to the questions below for each of the following years - 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.

1. How many knives or similar offensive weapons have been seized in your schools in each year from 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.

2. In your answer can you please provide figures for secondary schools and primary schools separately.

3. Can you also specify whether the knife was found to be in the possession of a boy or girl and their age, or neither (i.e. discarded/ found on school premises).

4. How many injuries have been caused by knives or similar offensive weapons in secondary schools and primary schools in the same period? Can you specify the age of the victim and whether a pupil or a teacher, school security or visitor to the school.

5. In how many of these has the victim required hospital treatment. Can you specify the age of the victim and whether a pupil or a teacher, school security or visitor to the school.

6. How many pupils have been excluded for possession or use of a knife on school premises in each year from 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.

7. How many times have police been called to schools to deal with incidents involving pupil behaviour in each year from 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.

8. How many times have police been called to schools to deal with incidents involving knives or similar offensive weapons in each year from 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.


1-5. Please contact the schools directly

6. Use or threat of an offensive weapon or prohibited item


19/20 - 107

20/21 - 12

21/22 - 337

22/23 - 316

23/24 - 229

Permanent Exclusions

19/20 - 5

20/21 - 11

21/22 - 19

22/23 - 17

23/24 - 7

7-8. Please contact the police for this information:


Reference number
FOI 9644277
Date request received
Date of decision