Publicly funded grass cutting contracts - Find a freedom of information request


1. Who are the Contractors undertaking these deliberately damaging and polluting actions - the company name and contact details please?

2. I requested a copy of the publicly funded grass cutting contracts - these have not been provided - please provide with no further delays.

3. Who in LCC is responsible for environmental enforcement duties and their contact details please?

4. A map of the areas being cut under contract must be available - how do I access that please?

5. ELDC advise they have only been given broad overall cutting period dates and not the actual specific areas linked to dates that they need to have a chance to target their teams in areas ahead of LCC mowing plans rather than randomly litter picking perhaps after cuts due to lack of coordination. Please confirm what you have provided to ELDC in this respect?


1. The work is carried out through our term maintenance contract with Balfour Beatty. Our term maintenance contract is Balfour Beatty who can be contacted at Lancaster House 36 Orchard Street Lincoln Lincolnshire LN1 1YL. They do not in any way undertake works that deliberately damage or pollute areas that they are responsible for.

2. In April 2020 we commenced a contract covering all highway works with Balfour Beatty. Please find attached the specification for the grass cutting works that our contractors carry out works in accordance with. Regarding all publicly funded grass cutting contracts this would fall under Section 12(1) of the Freedom of Information 2000.

3. Lincolnshire County Council is not responsible for environmental enforcement and these duties sit with District Councils and the Environmental Agency.

4. Please find attached the rural grass cutting maps that include the Louth bypass. They are extracted from a layer which is for operational use rather than for ease of use by the public.

5. Lincolnshire County Council sent East Lindsey District Council our more detailed weed, urban and rural grass programmes for East Lindsey, to assist with their litter picking and sweeper programming. These programmes are organised by maintenance areas so LCC also sent the maintenance area maps of East Lindsey, so that they could see exactly what roads were covered in each area.

Reference number
FOI 6852121
Date request received
Date of decision