Anwick, Lincolnshire - Find a freedom of information request


Anwick, Lincolnshire. Our village has recently been targeted as suitable for a Biogas Plant by Stream Bioenergy, Dublin. 

I was advised that 44 other sites across the UK were considered; however, nobody can seem to identify those sites. 
1. Could I request, under the Freedom of Information Act, that you disclose if your County Council or District Council consulted with Stream Bioenergy? 

2. If so, when was the consultation, and what was the result?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1) Yes

2) Lincolnshire County Council Planning Officers held a meeting (consultation) with representatives from Stream Bioenergy on the 24/05/23 and 07/02/2024.

The company advised us that they intended to submit a planning application, but the final details of the proposal were not yet finalised.

Reference number
FOI 9596765
Date request received
Date of decision