Swinderby Quarry, Witham St Hughs, Lincolnshire - Find a freedom of information request


Stantec is undertaking a study of Swinderby Quarry, Witham St Hughs, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN6 9TW.

Please could I request the the following data within your council district, within a 3km radius from centre NGR SK 88303 62076 for use in this Study?

Requested information on private water supplies:

1. National grid reference

2. Name of user

3. Name of location

4. Type of abstraction (groundwater or surface water)

5. Use to which the water is put


Please contact the Environment Agency who may be able to assist regarding abstraction licences: enquiries@environment-agency.gov.uk

Refer to records contained within the British Geological Survey’s Geo Index data collection which can be found here: https://www.bgs.ac.uk/information-hub/borehole-records/

Amongst other things, this service provides access to the National Well Record Collection.

Please contact North Kesteven District Council with regard to The Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016

Reference number
FOI 9650741
Date request received
Date of decision