ICT contract(s) for Server Hardware Maintenance, Server Virtualisation Licenses and Maintenance and Storage Area Network - Find a freedom of information request


You may have received the same request in the past and this information sent has now expired and I require an update as soon as possible for the following. This is a request for information that relates to the organisation's contracts around ICT contract(s) for Server Hardware Maintenance, Server Virtualisation Licenses and Maintenance and Storage Area Network (SAN) Maintenance/Support, which may include: · Server Hardware Maintenance- contracts relating to the support and maintenance of the organisation's physical servers. · Virtualisation Maintenance/Support/ Licensing (VMware, Solaris, Unix, Linux, Windows Server) · Storage Area Network Maintenance/Support (EMC, NetApp etc) For each of the types of contract described above, please can you provide me with the following data. If there is more than one contract please split the information for each separate supplier this includes annual spend

1. Contract Title: Please provide me with the contract title.

2. Type of Contracts (ABOVE): Please can you provide me with one or more contract types the contract relates to: Server Hardware, Virtualisation, SAN (Storage Area Network)

3. Existing/Current Supplier: Please provide me with the supplier name for each contract.

4. Brand: Please state the brand of hardware or software

5. Operating System / Software (Platform): (Windows, Linux, Unix, Vsphere, AIX, Solaris etc.) Please state the operating system used by the organisation.

6. Annual Average Spend: Please provide me with the most recent annual spend for this contract?

7. Contract Duration: (Please can you also include notes if the contract includes any contract Extension periods.)

8. Contract Expiry Date: Please can you provide me with the date of when the contract expires.

9. Contract Review Date: (An approximate date of when the organisation is planning to review this particular contract.)

10. Purchase of Servers: Could you please provide me with the month and year in which most/bulk of servers were purchased.

11. Number of Physical Server: Please can you provide me with the number of physical servers.

12. Number of Virtual Servers: Please can you provide me with the number of Virtual servers

13. Brief Contract Description: I require a brief description of the service provided under this contract. Please do not just put maintenance. I need at least a sentence.

14.Contract Owner: (The person from within the organisation that is responsible for reviewing and renewing this particular contract. Please include their full name, job title, direct contact number and direct email address.)


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Corporate Support Services -Contract 2014

2. These services are part of a holistic corporate support services contract (which includes a complete IMT support service) provided by Serco under the contract in Q1.

3. Serco

4. SAN: HPE 3PAR, Server: HPE, Virtualisation VMWare

5. Windows, Linux Vsphere

6. The maintenance is part of the overall Serco contract, therefore the individual costs cannot be determined

7. 2015 to 2024, with a Termination Services extension to 31.3.2026

8. See the answer to Q7

9. Review is active now

10. July 2019 (eight servers), and April 2021 (four servers)

11. 22 Servers

12.On prem 147

13. The design, configuration, management, monitoring and maintenance of IMT services, systems and infrastructure so as to deliver to users: access to all relevant data of the Council and the Council’s partners; the full functionality of those Applications which have Full Support; and access to the IMT services all in a secure manner and at all times in accordance with the prescribed specification and service levels.

14. CIO -Tom Baker, tom.baker@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Reference number
FOI 9645177
Date request received
Date of decision