Confirmation of International Healthcare Recruitment Campaigns - Find a freedom of information request


1) Confirmation of International Healthcare Recruitment Campaigns:

If your organisation is currently engaging in any international recruitment campaigns we would appreciate insights into the following aspects:

Professions Being Recruited

Appointed Agency

Framework Utilised

Expiry Date of Contract

Delivery Against Objectives


2) Contact Information for all Project Leads:

For each international recruitment project based on the profession recruited, please provide the names and contact details (email address and direct line or mobile) of the respective Project Leads.  

3) Confirmation of Future Pending Tenders:

Additionally, please confirm if there are any pending tenders scheduled for release concerning international recruitment within the next 12 months.

If so, please provide:

Details of the tendering platform you are likely to utilise for this purpose

Contact details (email address and direct line or mobile) for the relevant person/department to submit expressions of interest


1. None.

2. None. 

3. None.

Reference number
Date request received
13 May 2024
Date of decision
4 June 2024