DBS checks for safeguarding and DBS check service - Find a freedom of information request



1. Do you accept DBS checks undertaken by other organisations/registered bodies?


2. How often does your organisation undertake DBS rechecks for your employees?


3. Is an employee who requires a DBS check able to begin working for your organisation before the check has fully been completed/certificate returned?


a. If so, what measures do you put in place to assist safeguarding? e.g. reduced duties, supervision etc. - and is any record kept of this decision.


4. If an employee has content on their DBS certificate at what level in your organisation is a decision made, as to whether they are able to be employed in their role? e.g. Head of Service - and is any form of Business Case completed to record the decision?


The DBS Update Service:


1. Does your organisation accept DBS checks via the DBS Update Service?


a. If so, how often do you check for changes on certificates via the update service?


b. If not, what has been your reasoning for not using the update service?


2. Do you ask employees to pay the yearly fee for the update service or does your organisation reimburse them?


3. Has the DBS update service impacted the speed and efficiency of your organisation's hiring process?


4. Have you encountered any challenges with the DBS update service, and how have you addressed them?


5. How does the DBS update service integrate with your existing HR systems and processes?


6. Have you had to make any policy changes to accommodate the DBS update service?


7. What has been the overall impact on your organisation's safeguarding practices since using the DBS update service?


8. Are you able to share any metrics or data on the time/cost savings since implementing the DBS update service?



1. If the correct level of check is provided on the update service.

2. It depends on the requirement of the role, as some need a renewal.

3. Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) policy states:


Generally, we do not permit any person to commence employment until:

  • all specified conditions are satisfied
  • all relevant recruitment is complete
  • vetting checks are complete


There may be a particular reason why a new starter begins work before the return of the DBS check. In this event, and order for the check to happen, the manager must complete a DBS risk assessment and confirm:

  • submission of a correctly-completed criminal records check application 
  • an adult or children barred list check, if applicable, has been undertaken. To progress the check the manager must provide: 
    • the name of the individual
    • any previous surnames they have been known as
    • their date of birth
  • completion of all of the pre-employment right to work in the UK checks. For example, confirm the identity of the job applicant, references have been taken and are verified
  • the manager has made sufficient safeguards for the individual not to have unsupervised access to children or adults

4. The line manager of the post would review the information and seek HR advice if necessary.  A risk assessment form is completed.

The DBS Update Service:

1. Yes.

a. It depends on the renewal requirement.

b. Not applicable.

2. No.

3. It does if they have the correct level of check available.

4. Not applicable.

5. Not applicable.

6. No.

7. None, LCC follow the government guidance on how to conduct a status check.  If any of the conditions are not met, it will order a new check.

8. It would be hard to quantify because very few applicants have been signed up and/or had the required level of check.  Coupled with it not being possible to know how long a check would have taken to process by the DBS service.

Reference number
Date request received
8 May 2024
Date of decision
4 June 2024