Billingborough Public Footpath number four - Find a freedom of information request


Billingborough Public Footpath No. 4

1. Has the Footbridge Bridge been upgraded from Priority 4?

2. What was the LCC Budget allocated for Footpath works in 2023.  I require - the amount allocated for maintenance and enforcement works for Public Rights of Way – Please show the sums for Revenue and Capital Funds.

3. What are the actual sums approved for each Project listed & the Priority Code numbers?

4. Which projects listed were funded from the additional £350k that was obtained by the County Council?

5. The Ingoldsby PF 9 Bridge Installation - when was this work originally reported to the Council & how long has the timescale been to obtain the funding? 

6. Has any contact been made with the Tenant Farmer / Land Owner over PF 4 & PF 12 routes - these routes appear on the LCC map to enter into the stable area of Birththorpe Manor which is fenced off?  Has this item been reported previously to the County Council ?


1. No.


2. The total budget for maintenance and enforcement works for this year comes to £784,760. This is revenue funding.


All capital schemes are improvement works and do not come under the category of maintenance and enforcement.

3. All of the schemes listed below are funded from the additional £350k PROW Development Fund. All are being undertaken concurrently and therefore are not ordered by priority.


Path No.


Allocated £

Priority No      Additional Funding ?

Bishop Norton PF 79




Caistor PF 36

Surface and boardwalk



Sleaford PF 952




Holbeach PF 23


 Scheme cancelled


Conningsby PF 224




Great Gonerby PF6 and RB 7




South Kyme PF 911




Digby PF 5

Infrastructure replacement



Navenby PF 1146




Ingoldsby PF 9

Bridge Installation



Heckington PF 5




Skegness PF 308




East Barkwith PF 1043




Wrangle PF 987




Anwick PF 5




Lincoln PF 3




Since the FOI request was received one scheme was cancelled and a replacement scheme has been added from the PROW Development Fund reserve scheme list:

Billingborough PF 4

New bridge




You asked for the 'allocated' and 'additional funding' The response above provides a 'projected cost' and this is as much information as Lincolnshire County Council is able to provide.


4. It is proposed to fund all of the highlighted schemes from the £350,000 PRoW development fund budget.


5. The missing bridge on Ingoldsby PF 9 was initially identified during the 2019 inspection of the Ingoldsby PRoW network.  Since that time the County Council has received several requests to provide a bridge at the highlighted location.  Additional funding has become available during the last twelve months and the County Council has also been required to secure a permissive arrange with the Boothby Wildlands project to enable the bridge installation to proceed.


6. No contact has been made with the affected landowners and occupiers at Birthorpe. The public right of way stops at the stables and does not carry on to the nearby carriageway. This issue has been previously reported to the Council.

Reference number
Date request received
23 April 2024
Date of decision
30 May 2024