The ESPO Liquid Fuels Framework 301_22 The Supply of Liquid Fuels - Find a freedom of information request


For context, your organisation has been placing direct awards to suppliers under the ESPO Liquid Fuels Framework 301_22 The Supply of Liquid Fuels. ESPO was investigated by the Public Procurement Review Service (PPRS) and was required to inform its customers that the framework operated on a direct award model because this was not clear from its user guide documents.

This is evidenced on the PPRS website here : Row 541 of the spreadsheet that can be downloaded from that link provides full details.

The questions under FOI, for your organisation, are as follows:-

1. Did ESPO make you aware that you aware that you were placing a direct award for each order that you placed?

2. Did you issue a Contracts Finder Notice for each order you placed?

3. Please can you provide links to the Contracts Finder notices for the direct awards you placed under the framework in the month of November 2023?

4. Please can you state your total spend under the framework in the year 2023?


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Whilst a direct award was used it was for a 12 month contract rather than individual orders. This was awarded in accordance with the framework guidance and discussions with ESPO.

2. A Contracts Finder Notice was issued in respect of the 12 month Call-Off Contract.


4. Total Spend through the ESPO Framework for 01/10/2022 - 20/09/2023 was £175.291.42 inclusive of VAT.

Reference number
FOI 9485707
Date request received
Date of decision