Fire fatalities from 2019 until 2024 - Find a freedom of information request


1. Total number of fire fatalities for each of the years from 2019 until 2024, split into risk groups, specifying which groups, eg. Hoarding behaviours; inappropriate smoking; people under the influence of alcohol; people who used emollient creams; people who lived alone; ex military. Please provide your response broken down by year.

2. For each of the years from 2019 until 2024, for the 31st March in each year. please provide the number of properties / premises in your area with a Clutter Image Rating (CIR) of 6 or above.


1. Please see attached.

2. Information not held.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
Date request received
30 April 2024
Date of decision
29 May 2024