Complaints of discrimination - Find a freedom of information request


1.       How many complaints of each of the following types of discrimination were reported to your organisation in 2021, 2022 and 2023:

a)       Disability discrimination

b)      Race or ethnicity discrimination

c)       Sexual orientation discrimination

2.       How many complaints were reported to your organisation about discrimination related to a person's HIV status in:
a)       2021

b)      2022

c)       2023

3.       If HIV-related discrimination complaints were reported to your organisation, how many of the following incidents were reported?

(a)    Refusal of a service after HIV status was shared.

(b)    Failure to make reasonable adjustments for a person's HIV status.

(c)     Harassment related to a person's HIV status.

(d)    Use of an organisational policy that discriminated against a person based on their HIV status.

(e)    Another kind of HIV discrimination incident.

4.       If HIV-related discrimination complaints were reported to your organisation, were they reported by?

(a)    Members of the public.

(b)    Employees of your organisation

5.       If HIV-related discrimination complaints were reported to your organisation, how many complaints were upheld?

6.       Does your organisation have a policy to deal with incidents of HIV discrimination reported to them at a strategic level? If so, could you explain what the policy is or attach a copy of said policy?


1. Please note that these are complaints regarding discrimination as a whole and are not categorised by type of discrimination:

2021: Two complaints held

2022: Two complaints held

2023: No complaint

2. No information held.

3-6. N/A

Reference number
FOI 9565385
Date request received
Date of decision