Gas and Electricity Spends - Find a freedom of information request


We thank you for last year's response and inclusion within our report and now look forward to seeing your inclusion again within our new report. For the period 1-April-23 to 31-March 2024, we please require disclosure of: -

1. The grid Electricity kwh's consumed & the £-value spent (excl-vat).

2. The natural Gas kwh's consumed & the £-value spent (excl-vat).

Just as our last £4.5 billion disclosure report of public sector usage & cost covered the 400 local authorities, we would again note that the energy usages would fall within the EIR 2004 regulations, and the costs fall within your normal cost spend disclosure on your public facing website disclosures. Therefore, as a local authority there is nothing which can legitimately be deemed to be covered as valid ROI exemptions or commercially sensitive.


We realise some councils act as buying organisations for meters outside of their direct control like Leisure trusts & academy schools etc, so please just show those you control, and which would be considered within the councils' control as its own costs and its own emissions?
As some capture internally their unmetered supplies usages/costs for streetlights, then please feel free to show separately split out if easier.

The energy usage and cost information requested is what should be easily accessible by your energy procurement/bill validation team.

If the supplier hasn't yet fully billed all the meters for that whole period, simply ask your bill validation team to use the 'including Accrual' option within their reporting software to easily provide a reliable full picture view. (This would likely only affect smaller Non-HH meters anyway which are quarterly billed, as the larger half-hourly meters would have been already billed and paid for that March-24 period. An accrual would assume the latest price and daily usage and so should not be a reason to withhold the data as the values would fall within natural tolerance levels of accuracy.)



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.



Street Lighting


Electricity (kwh)




Gas (kwh)




Cost Elec




Cost  Gas




Reference number
FOI 9499489
Date request received
Date of decision