Disabled people receiving support - Find a freedom of information request


As of the year ending December 2023, please provide the following information concerning:

To the best of your ability:

*Ensure that your figures add up and that totals are provided where needed *Provide this data in an Excel (.xls) file *Provide a reference number for further correspondence

1. Total number of Disabled people receiving non-residential social care support

2. Number of Disabled people receiving direct payments

3. Number of Disabled people receiving direct payments via a prepaid card

4. Number of direct payments agreed for people with learning disabilities?

a. Of which, how many are receiving direct payments via a prepaid card

5. Number of direct payments have been agreed for people with physical disabilities?

a. Of which, how many are receiving direct payments via a prepaid card

6. Number of direct payments have been agreed for people with mental health problems?

a. Of which, how many are receiving direct payments via a prepaid card

For each category, please, if possible, and without triggering a section 40 exemption please, provide:

i. Age breakdown

ii. Gender identity

iii. Sexual identity

iv. Ethnic identity

v. Nationality


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you. Tables attached. Response to Qs below.

1. 5235 individuals were in receipt of a non-residential service on 31st December 2023 (Detailed in “Summary Table – Non-Residential”)

2. 2274 individuals were in receipt of a Direct Payment on 31st December 2023. (Detailed in “Summary Table – Non-Residential”)

3. Payment method detail not available.

4. 684 – Table A includes breakdown of available categories. a. Payment method detail not available.

5. 1054 – Table B includes breakdown of available categories. a. Payment method detail not available.

6. 386 – Table C includes breakdown of available categories.

a. Payment method detail not available.

7. Categories

a. Age breakdown – Provided 18-64 and 65+

b. Gender identity – Recorded as “Identified Gender”

c. Sexual identity – Not available

d. Ethnic identity – Recorded as “Ethnicity”

e. Nationality – Not provided as low figures

Low figures are considered exempt under Section 40(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) where disclosure would allow the possibility of a living individual being identified.

* Please note that this information is not available for Children’s services as it would take longer that the 18 hours allocated to collate the information under section 12(1) of the FOI Act 2000

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact customerinformationservice@lincolnshire.gov.uk with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 9230813
Date request received
Date of decision