Catchment Area and Admissions Policy for Lincoln Christ's Hospital School - Find a freedom of information request


Would like to request some information around catchment area and admissions policy for Lincoln Christ's Hospital School (Wragby Rd, Lincoln LN2 4PN). for the last five years for Year 7.

1. What is the longest measured distance when a child was offered a school place at the above based on straight-line distance from home to the school address, as per the over subscription criteria for year 7, i.e. maximum distance measured for purely this criteria, (not considering the other criteria which precede this (e.g. has a sibling etc) where someone could live further away but qualify due to that.


1. Please see below.

Lincoln Christ Hospital School - Last Place Offered

Criteria last place offered

Distance straight line miles

Whether the child lives up to 5 miles from Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School by straight line distance


Whether the child lives up to 5 miles from Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School by straight line distance


The increasing order of straight line distance from Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School


The increasing order of straight line distance from Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School


The increasing order of straight line distance from Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School


Reference number
Date request received
10 May 2024
Date of decision
22 May 2024