manufacturers that supply disposable and refillable vapes and e-cigarettes - Find a freedom of information request


1. The names of the manufacturers that have contracts with your council to supply:


a) disposable vapes/e-cigarettes, and


b) refillable vapes/e-cigarettes, under the NHS Swap to Stop scheme.


2.⁠ ⁠The total number of:


a) disposable vapes/e-cigarettes, and


b) refillable vapes/e-cigarettes given out by the council under the NHS Swap to Stop scheme.


3.⁠ ⁠The value of the contracts awarded by your council to manufacturers of:


a) disposable vapes/e-cigarettes, and


b) refillable vapes/e-cigarettes, under the NHS Swap to Stop scheme.




a) There are no contracts to supply disposable vapes through One You Lincolnshire (OYL) and/or as part of the NHS Swap to Stop scheme.


b) Under the NHS Swap to Stop scheme, there is a contract to supply refillable vapes/e-cigarettes from the manufacturer Totally Wicked, through the Unite procurement platform.



a) No disposables vapes/e-cigarettes have been given out by One You Lincolnshire who are commissioned by Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) to deliver a stop smoking service.


b) LCC has been allocated a total of 2500 refillable vapes/e-cigarettes to be provided by One You Lincolnshire to clients accessing the stop smoking service. In 2023/24 the full allocation of 500 refillable vape/e-cigarettes were given out to clients to support their stop smoking journey. So far in 2024/2025, 159 refillable vape/e-cigarettes have been given out to clients to support their stop smoking journey.


3.⁠ ⁠


a) There are no contracts to supply disposable vapes through OYL and/or as part of the NHS Swap to Stop scheme.


b) The value of the contract for refillable vapes/e-cigarettes under the NHS Swap to Stop scheme, for 2500 devices across 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 is £87,900.

Reference number
Date request received
7 May 2024
Date of decision
22 May 2024