Adult Learning Disability and Autism Day Services - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to make the following request for information relating to adult learning disability and autism day services.

1. Supported in a group

a. The average (arithmetic mean in £ and pence) rate you pay per hour for someone supported in a group? (for example, the day rate divided by 6 hours + staff and people present)

b. What is the expected ratio of staff to supported persons at these day services?

c. Do your day services for those supported in a group include transport? Yes/No

d. Do your day services for those supported in a group include food/refreshments? Yes/No

2. 1-1 support

a. Again focusing on day services, the average (arithmetic mean in £ and pence) rate you pay per hour for someone who needs 1-1 support?

b. Do your 1-1 support day services include transport? Yes/No

c. Do your 1-1 support day services include food/refreshments? Yes/No

We are asking for two different service fee rates.

3) for people supported on a one-to-one basis and 2) for people supported on a group basis. If two staff are supporting up to 8 people, we would expect the hourly rate for the service to be approximately a quarter of the hourly rate for a one-to-one service.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.  

1a. Lincolnshire County Council do not calculate a day rate to reflect the full cost of the service.

1b. There is not an expected ratio.

1c. No.

1d. Tea and coffee is available to people using the service free of charge. There is no food or catering included as standard as part of the in house day service offer.

2a. Lincolnshire County Council do not calculate a day rate to reflect the full cost of a service to an individual using in house provision.

2b. No.

2c. Tea and coffee is available to people using the service free of charge. There is no food or catering included as standard as part of the in house day service offer.

3. Please see Question 1a and 2a.

Reference number
Date request received
24 April 2024
Date of decision
21 May 2024