South View Leisure Park, Burgh Road, Skegness - Find a freedom of information request


Site Address:

South View Leisure Park

Burgh Road


PE25 2LA

Grid ref: TF 54558 64998

We are undertaking a Flood Risk Assessment for this Site and would like to request the following

data from you:

1. Any modelled data for the surface water, groundwater, sewer or fluvial flooding sources which you may

hold We require the raw model and any raw model outputs available.

2. Any records of historic flooding at the Site or within 100m of the Site.

If flooding has been reported, please provide details of what the source of flooding was and any reports of the flooding, such as Section 19 reports.

3. Any local policies relevant to flooding, drainage and flood mitigation, please provide the policy name or link to the document where we can obtain this from.

4. Details of any existing or proposed flood defence schemes in the area and which may benefit the Site.

Details of any management and maintenance the Council / Highways have undertaken on any nearby drainage networks within the highway or within Ordinary Watercourses.

5. Provide any CCTV / drainage surveys for drainage features within 100m of the Site. 

If you are able to provide us with the above information relating to this Site and immediate surrounding area.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. The Floods and Water team at Lincolnshire County Council have not undertaken any modelling for surface water, groundwater, sewer or fluvial flooding sources.

2. LCC as Lead Local Flood Authority have not undertaken and / or commissioned any flood investigations pursuant to Section 19 of the floods and water management act within 100 metres of the site in question. For future reference, a summary of investigations undertaken by the Council can be found here – Summary of Investigations

3. . In terms of local policies etc., (a) Joint Lincolnshire Flood Risk and Water Management Strategy

b) Development Roads and Sustainable Drainage Design Approach (see attached) alongside our Sustainable Drainage Design and Evaluation Guide

4. We are not aware of any proposed flood defence schemes in the immediate vicinity of the site. In terms of existing assets, we would recommend that you refer to our Section 21 asset register which provides an overview of significant flood risk assets within Lincolnshire

Environment Agency asset data can be obtained from here -

It is recommended that you also contact Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board. With respect to the highway drainage network, gullies, off lets, and manholes are cleansed / inspected on a cyclic basis ranging from annual to biannual. The most recent inspection was undertaken on the 06th of January 2024.

5. No recent CCTV surveys have been undertaken by Lincolnshire County Council within 100m of the site.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
FOI 9509319
Date request received
Date of decision