The adoption of AI and Robotic Process Automation within the council - Find a freedom of information request


I would like information relating to the strategy for the adoption of AI and Robotic Process Automation within the council, namely:

1. What is the Council's strategy and roadmap for AI and Process Automation?

2. If neither have yet been adopted, when will they be?

3. Who are/will be the key stakeholders and decision makers for these technologies?

4. What technologies/vendors are currently in use (eg Blue Prism, Open AI, Druid AI) and which version, and are they on premise or cloud hosted?

5. How many processes have been automated and how many licences have been purchased?

6. How many additional processes does the council expect to have automated in the next 12 months?

7. What is the typical licence utilisation rate for RPA, where it exists?

8. What/who does the automation team consist of, who leads it, and who do they report into (if external delivery, which supplier)?

9. Please provide the direct email address and telephone number for the automation lead and the person they report into.

10. How are any bots maintained?

11. When are any licences due for renewal?


1. The Council does not have a specific strategy on AI and Process Automation, rather these capabilities form part of our wider Technology and Data strategy. which emphasises outcomes and value over specific technology tooling.

2. Currently the Councl has small pockets of technologies that could be categorised as 'AI and Process Automation', there are no plans for wholesale adoption as all technology decisions are always taken within the context of the business need.

3. The Council's IT Service area owns and maintains the IT Strategy and will advise on adoption of all technologies used across the Council. Decisions specific instances of adoption will reside with Members and Senior Officers.

4-11. This information is not held.

Reference number
FOI 9442046
Date request received
Date of decision