Station Rd, Bardney - Find a freedom of information request


I have been attempting to communicate with the Highways department regarding an issue of damage caused by a vehicle parking on the grass verge on Station Rd, Bardney. This has been reported via email, and Fix My Street Ref 468072.

1. I would like to be provided with information as to what action was taken to investigate the damage, and why no action has been taken to repair the trip hazard caused by the damage.

2. Could you please let me know what criteria is applied to determine whether the damage is considered significant, and how that criteria was used to determine the response.

3. I would also like information regarding the conversation between Highways and the owners of the vehicle causing the damage.


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. LCC carry out routine inspections of Station Road Bardney on a 3-month basis, we also carry out inspections in response to public reports. On each inspection it was deemed that the damage to verge did not pose a hazard to the public.

2. All information relating to our intervention levels and time scales can be found in our Highways asset management plan:

3. We have contacted the company concerned on two separate occasions and have requested that they refrain from parking on the verge.

Reference number
FOI 9507817
Date request received
Date of decision