Treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) - Find a freedom of information request


I would like to request the following information in regard to the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) by your organisation:

1. Does your organisation commission any services for people with DMD?

If no, does your organisation expect to commission services for DMD in the future?

If yes, what services for people with DMD does your organisation commission?

2. How many people with DMD does your organisation serve?

3. Does your organisation have any DMD-specific (or muscle-wasting disease-specific) policies or guidance?

4. Do any of your organisation's strategies, objectives, plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections, or similar, cite DMD (or any muscle-wasting disease) or use either as a metric?

5. Is your organisation aware of the work of DMD Care UK ( 


I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.  



Children Services

Lincolnshire County Council commissions a variety of services to support children and young people that are disabled, which could include those with DMD.

Services include Early Support Learning Provision for children aged 0-5 with a disability which also provides a short break for parents/carers. Targeted positive activities e.g. youth/community and holiday groups for young people with a disability, domiciliary care and other short breaks.

Adult Services

Adult Care commissions a variety of services to support adults with a disability which could include those with DMD.

Adult Care commissions many services which are accessible for adults with Care Act eligible needs which could include people with MDM. This would include home support, residential, nursing care, Extra Care Housing, Day services, Advocacy, reablement and equipment.



Children Services


Adult Services




Children Services


Adult Services




Children Services


Adult Services




Children Services


Adult Services


Reference number
Date request received
17 April 2024
Date of decision
16 May 2024