Payments made to Stonewall - Find a freedom of information request


1. What payments, if any, you made to Stonewall (officially Stonewall Equality Limited) in the financial year 2022/23.

2. What payments, if any, you made to Stonewall (officially Stonewall Equality Limited) in the financial year 2023/24.

3. What payments, if any, you expect to make to Stonewall (officially Stonewall Equality Limited) in the current financial year.


1. Lincolnshire County Council did not purchase any services from Stonewall, but did process payments valuing £330.00 on behalf of local schools in 2022/23

2. Lincolnshire County Council did not purchase any services from Stonewall, but did process payments valuing £118.80 on behalf of local schools in 2023/24

3. Schools are in the middle of setting their budgets for 2024/25, the Council does not currently hold this information as at 30/04/2024

Reference number
FOI 9461373
Date request received
Date of decision