Wildfires that occurred in July of 2022 within FRS District - Find a freedom of information request


Information on wildfires that occurred in July of 2022 in this FRS district.

Specifically, I am interested in obtaining the following information for the period of July 2022:

1. Location (coordinates) and timing (date and time of day) of the wildfires.

2. Fire size - ideally fire perimeters.

3. Number of resources deployed.

4. Fuel type burned (if available).

5. Impact (e.g. buildings/houses affected, personal injuries, infrastructure, fire service equipment, traffic delays, any evacuations, etc).

6. If/when a major incident was declared.


1. Please see attached.

2. Please see attached.

3. Please see attached.

4. Information not held.

5. Not all information held. Please see attached.

6. Information not held.

Should you require the attachment mentioned above please contact customerinformationservice@lincolnshire.gov.uk with the below reference number and this can be provided.

Reference number
Date request received
15 April 2024
Date of decision
13 May 2024