Councillor training or induction programmes - Find a freedom of information request




Please provide me with the latest  or most recent copy of by PDF or doc. 

1.      Your most recent published or otherwise  councillor training or induction programme or schedule including seminars, workshops eLearning etc

2.      Your councillor training, development  strategy  or  plan or policy   

3.      Any report of wholistic or groups  needs analysis of councillor training developed i.e. where you have scoped and analysed councillor training needs either as individuals or as a whole. Where  there  is none in the last five years,(  April  2019 to April  2024) please state this.

4.      A copy of your  new councillor induction   or welcome pack if any.

5.      The budget over the last two  financial years for Councillor training.

6.      The Job description of any officer responsible for council  development or training

7.      The most recent list of publications, guidance notes for councillors  available .

8.      A copy of the proforma which may be used to develop or identify  councillors' own development needs  i.e.  by completing a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) or undertaking a Personal Development Review (PDR) or Personal Training Programme ( PTP )  Or Similarly named document used to identify individual  training needs.

9.      The most recent  quality assurance or feedback report of the quality of the programmes being develop or delivered  i.e. what do councillors think of the quality and relevance of the training   provided. Where  there  is none in the last five years,(  April  2019 to April  2024) please state this

10.  Any other document which identifies  positively , through awards or accolades or positive articles or press releases the type and scope of training and induction you provide to councillors (  Please use your  discretion, I am looking for best  practice)



I can confirm that the information requested is held by Lincolnshire County Council. I have detailed below the information that is being released to you.

1. Attached is our Councillor Development Programme for the 23/4 municipal year

2. As above

3. ICT training needs survey was completed in November 2024 but the information collected was done so for a purpose and not with the intention to be shared as a public document. the findings have informed the 23/24 and 24/25 councillor development programme

4. It has not yet been developed.

5. £8,000 per financial year.

6. The Job Specification for the Members Services Manager is attached.

7. We have an internal, non-public site containing videos of all training sessions and guidance notes. Recordings of these sessions were undertaken on the understanding that the consumption of information was solely for the use of Members and we are unable to share this. The list of sessions recorded is as the Councillor Development Programme attached.

8. We do not hold this information

9. We do not hold this information

10. We do not hold this information

Reference number
FOI 9417858
Date request received
Date of decision