Property Flood Resilience (PFR) grant applications - Find a freedom of information request


For each year from 1 Jan 2023 to 31 December 2023, please tell me the following information for your local authority.


1) How many people applied to the council for the Property Flood Resilience (PFR) grant?


2) How many people successfully secured a Property Flood Resilience (PFR)  grant? 


3) How many people applied to the council for a Business Recovery Grant (BRG) after being involved in a flood?

4) How many people successfully secured a Business Recovery Grant (BRG)  grant?

I would like the data broken down by year as follows: 1 Jan 2019 - 31 Dec 2019, etc ... to 1 Jan 2024 to 31 December 2023


The 2019/2020 Property Flood Resilience (PFR) grants were administered by each of the

district councils within Lincolnshire. Therefore, Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) as Lead

Local Flood Authority (LLFA) does not hold any information in relation to applications and

monies received by applicants for this round of PFR grant funding and would suggest this is

requested from each individual district council.

The PFR Repair grants announced by Government to support properties flooded by Storm

Babet (Oct 23), and Storm Henk (Jan 24) were the first grants to be administered by LCC as



1) As of 10th April 2024, LCC have received 183 applications for the Storm Babet PFR

grant and 53 applications for the Storm Henk PFR grant (Total of 236 applications).


2) As of 10th April 2024, LCC have approved 76 applications for the Storm Babet PFR grant and

approved 8 applications for the Storm Henk PFR grant (Total of 84 applications approved).

However, no funding for these applications has been claimed or awarded as all PFR works

must be completed and signed off before any monies can be paid by DEFRA.


3) The 2023/2024 Storm Babet and Storm Henk Business Recovery

Grants (BRG) have been administered by each of the district councils within Lincolnshire.

Therefore, LCC as LLFA does not hold any information in relation to applications and monies

received by applicants for this round of BRG grant funding and would suggest this is requested

from each individual district council


 4) N/a please contact the district councils

Reference number
Date request received
8 April 2024
Date of decision
3 May 2024