Water Lane, South Witham - Find a freedom of information request


Could you please inform me of any orders made to to owners of the Chestnut tree to the front of a house at Water Lane, South Witham with regards to section 154 of the Highways Act 1980 or any other order given regarding the cutting back/pruning the tree/maintenance of the Tree.


Lincolnshire County Council can advise that after a search of the enforcement register, no record of the property being sent any correspondence regarding a tree, neither on the current register nor the archived one.

The Highways Officer has received no complaint or enquiry about the matter and neither has the Tree Officer. The tree may have a tree preservation order attached to it so you may wish to check with South Kesteven District Council to see if they are aware of any issues or correspondence sent from their officers.


Reference number
FOI 9336562
Date request received
Date of decision